3. Running

The phsh.py script (available after installing the package) aims to simplify these steps with a single command.

The simplest and most reliable cross-platform way to run phsh.py is through docker:

# obtain the image
docker pull ghcr.io/Liam-Deacon/phaseshifts:latest  # should only need to do this once

# run phsh.py via the docker image
docker run ghcr.io/Liam-Deacon/phaseshifts:latest  # will display usage

# or more generally (adjust as needed)
docker run ghcr.io/Liam-Deacon//phaseshifts:latest -v /path/to/host/input/data:/data [<phsh-args> ...]


Development docker images can be built locally, e.g. DOCKER_TAG=dev make docker


There is a known possible bug where the compiled libphsh.f is not thread-safe (as ascertained by the fortran compiler), as such if you anticipate using this library in concurrent environments then it is advised to run phsh.py via docker run ghcr.io/Liam-Deacon/phaseshifts:latest as this works around this limitation due to the emphereal nature of container instances created using docker run.